Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Welcome to my Digital Portfolio!

I had never planned to pursue a career in the world of art, however my fascination with design led me to carry forward with what I believed would give me a future filled with colour and excitement every day.  When creating pieces of art, I make sure that I have a connection with them and that they show who I am. I like to paint pictures that I can relate to, and some of the time ones that cause mystery to its viewers. The work that I have submitted are pieces that make me proud, and are pieces that I wish will make other people as content as they make me, I have included a few of my paintings and drawings. Through out the past few years I have really opened my eyes to the world around me and noticed that a source of inspiration can come from absolutely anything and most definitely where you would least expect to come across it.
Choosing a career path to follow had been a challenge, I wanted to make sure that I had no regrets and would be hopefully entering a world to which I would love every single moment of. I am aware that the job of an interior designer does not include just of an artist, but however is someone that is able to manage and also communicate well with others. It pleases me to know that my work has made somebody else happy, and I could only dream about pursuing a career that aims to match and exceed the expectations of clients. I believe that I am up for this challenge and excited at the thought of the possible projects and designing that I could one day be entering into.

Elohai Neshama- The Soul that you have given me

The concept of modesty
Close up of gold-leaved letters

The Ten Emanations

Wisdom, Understanding, Knowing, Kindness, Might, Beauty, Victory, Glory, Foundation and Kingship


Direct Observation


Skin against rock

Paula Rego- Swallows the Poison Apple

Paula Rego created this piece to show the damaged value of youth

Havdalah- To Seperate

The ritual to show the seperation between the holy day of rest to the other days of the week

The Buddha and the Candlestick

A quick direct observation

Hamsa- A Sign of Protection

This was created on a metallic sheet of paper, I used a gold pen and white paint marker

Esh- Fire

This painting portrays the spirituality and meaning of a flame


Joaquin Sorolla- gypsy

Chilli Pepper

Washing of the Hands

A sign of holiness and cleanliness